
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

the Solution to suffering!

Hi friends,
U may be thinking, when the whole world now is focussing on global warming and other issues, why this fellow is talking about spirituality? it has no connection with the problems we are facing!
we need to ask ourselves why have we put ourselves in this mess? if we had thought of the long term effects of our actions and hadtaken steps to avert these problems, we would never have been in this predicament......this all points to ignorance! we also need to look at the growing violence....look at the Israel-palestine conflict, sunni-shia clash in Iraq, Darfur....bigotry and what not!
the only solution i believe to these problems is realising the truth that we are humans first....and here steps in is a process of knowing who you really are, spreading love and peace everywhere ......knowing that we are made in the image of God....we are one with Him.! i know there are many atheists out there...and people who think that this is just a form of escapism...not accepting problems.....running away!
On the contrary, spirituality broadens one's perspective about life provided one has the right guidance in the form of true unbiased teaching or a is a way of life! It helps one to face challenges in life bravely and taking steps to overcome those problems....understanding people at a very deep level..... and so on.....
What are your thoughts? Please post your opinions....

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